Sarah Palin’s Greatest Hits

One more reason to be happy about Obama’s victory. Jeez, doesn’t it remind you of good ol’ W?

Have a great weekend everyone!


~ by pablohc on November 28, 2008.

One Response to “Sarah Palin’s Greatest Hits”

  1. Hello,

    I’m a newbie blogger from Sweden but I have been following the presidential race in the US pretty close and I can just say that Thank God that Sarah Palin didn’t become the vice President (a heartbeat from becoming the President). First passport after 40 years of age and international experience=’I can see Russia from Alaska’…(please help me not to cry). McCain president and her vice president that would have been the end of the world….my God is she ignorant and stupid!!?? I wouldn’t touch her with a plyer. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE would have been a better vice President than her. Deeply sorry that the corrupt US media didn’t cover Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich but instead censored them. (Sorry to say but US=The world greatest democracy…..HA! The US is now, and has been for a long time, on a very fast trip toward a true facist state if not already ‘there’.) If the corrupt US media had covered Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich as much as they covered Obama and McCain and the others, Ron or Dennis would have been the President now, that’s for sure!

    Have a great weekend you to,

    Best regards from Sweden

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