Midnight thoughts before bed

Today is just one of those days when you go to bed and can’t manage to fall asleep. Maybe the many things I am dealing with at the time and some pre-exam stress. Brain seems to be wondering around instead of getting some rest.

Just got me to some thinking though of how it would be if I actually had stayed home instead of going to Norway. How certain decisions come clearer with time and how only after a certain time you come to understand their real impact on your life.

Coming here to Scandinavia has been an incredible experience I cannot even start to describe. Besides making so many new friends and finding myself a nordic girlfriend whom I love so much ;), I have been able to learn endless life lessons in such little time.

But all of these things came at a price, one that somedays seems to have been steeper than others. Leaving my family behind and friends on grad. year wasn’t easy. Nor leaving a girlfriend. I mean my life was pretty good at the time being, and I was definitively enjoying it. Leaving for Norway I only see it as a kinda reward. But tonight I cannot help wonder how things would have been given the option hadn’t been there.

I missed many of my close friends for leaving. I now guys, I SUCK AT KEEPING IN CONTACT! I know I am horrible at it. It is something I have only learned with time and really regret not having done much about it while being in Norway. But so many things were happening to me at the time that I could hardly keep track of them, even worse think about stuff happening outside the little “Flekke Bubble”

I cannot deny that I still remember and think about all of those good times we had, and smile everytime one comes to mind. And I think that it is precisely that what I want to share with all of you who know me and read this post. That is that even though I might not very often keep in contact with you, but that I think about the memories and good times we’ve had and I am really grateful for all of those. And that I know that deep inside true friends stay the same no matter how much time goes by. That is something I can say after meeting Nico here in Cph a couple months ago. And btw, Nico, thank you so much for being the first one to drop by and visit, cannot imagine how much it meant to me.

So it is five years almost here in Scandinavia and time keeps flying. I want to conclude this post briefly by saying that I hope I can meet any of tou soon enough and talk good old times as well as catch up over some good beer/coffee/maybe skype? 😉

Some nice pics I just had around and got me thinking today about loads of good memories.







Cheers to you my friends! Really miss you all and hope to see you around soon.

Great weekend all of you guys!

~ by pablohc on November 28, 2008.

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