
Just when I thought I had finally nailed quite a nice tone and some rather well rounded playing for this song, I remembered to check this video for some more inspiration. To make it simple, it put me right back to trying and learn the song again when I saw how damn impressive Mayer’s solo playing is. I hit the notes, but the embelishment is nothing even close, regardless I’ve worked hard at it. Guess the upload of it will have to wait until I feel I have gotten something out of this video into my playing.

Gravity @ Macworld 2007

This second video is a wild improvisation to Soul of Mischief, again by the same man. It really has this jazzy/bluesy groove going on. It’s just great.

JM Soul of Mischief Improv.

Sorry I don’t write much more than about music and guitars, but lately all I am doing is studying and taking care of Mango (dog)… I have like 5 exams coming up and so it is quite tough to handle all of the studying within 2 weeks and then the exams in 1. So there is not much more interesting going on if you get my drift. The high-point of the day is the moment I can get my guitar, jam and space out.

Cheers and Peace Out – P

~ by pablohc on November 26, 2008.

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