It Might Get Loud

Here are some videos on one documentary I am dying to watch. It Might Get Loud. A documentary going through the history of electric guitars and music itself. Here a small (beautiful) extract:


“The electric guitar has dominated popular music for the last half century. Anyone who has ever plugged into an amp understands its power. So does the average stadium crowd. But if you have too much exposure to amateurs, you might forget the incredible range of expression that the creation pioneered by Les Paul can achieve in the hands of masters.”

The documentary features Jimmy Page, The Edge and Jack White, three of the most talented and distinguished guitar players in history. All due to their different approaches to music, and the generations they have captured through their playing.

Here I leave some videos covering a really interesting interview with The Edge (U2). It’s seriously crazy the kind of sounds this guy can do with some delay, a Vox AC30 and a reversed Herdim pick.

The Edge and his first Guitar – Gibson Explorer

The Endless Arsenal – envy of all guitar owners….

The Edge and Echo

~ by pablohc on November 19, 2008.

One Response to “It Might Get Loud”

  1. Pretty cool.

    I can see what he means when he talks about “gunslinger guitarists” yet there is no such thing as inapproperiate attitude to guitar playing if the right attitude is put to the right genre. Death metal completely calls for those types to bring its purpose of heavy, fast, and technical sound.

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